"Sweet Love: A High School Romance Fueled by Bunnies" | short story | Hiro and Miki's love story |
" SWEET LOVE " is a heartwarming high school romance story that follows Hiro and Miki as they bond over their shared love for bunnies, eventually leading to a close friendship and budding romantic relationship. With themes of young love and friendship, this story is perfect for those seeking a sweet and touching read. Keywords: Sweet Love, high school romance, bunnies, friendship, young love.
The story follows the sweet and innocent moments of high school students Hiro and Miki, who meet for the first time during a school event. Bonding over their mutual love for bunnies, they develop a close friendship and eventually fall in love. However, Hiro is hesitant to confess his feelings, fearing it may ruin their friendship. Finally, he musters up the courage to express his love to Miki, and to his relief, she feels the same way. From then on, their relationship blossoms into something more, filled with sweet and happy moments, as they explore their newfound love.
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'Sweet Love' : Romance fueled by bunnies |
The story follows sweet and innocent moment of two high school students, Hiro and Miki, who attend the same school but have never spoken to each other. Hiro is a popular and outgoing student, while Miki is a shy and introverted girl who spends most of her time reading books.
One day, during a school event, Hiro accidentally bumps into Miki ,the first encounter of main character of this story which was totally unexpected, Hiro and Miki's belongings fall to the ground, and they both scramble to pick them up. As Miki bends down to grab her things, she accidentally drops her book, and it falls open to a page with a picture of a cute, fluffy bunny.
Hiro can't help but smile at the adorable picture and comments, "That's a really cute bunny!" Miki, surprised by his sudden interest, blushes and nods shyly.
Feeling a connection, Hiro asks, "Do you like bunnies?" to which Miki responds with a small nod. "Me too!" Hiro exclaims with excitement. "I used to have a pet bunny when I was little."
Miki's eyes widen in surprise, and a small smile tugs at her lips. "Really? What was its name?" she asks curiously.
Hiro grins, happy to have found a topic to talk about with the cute girl in front of him. "His name was Mochi. He was so fluffy and loved to cuddle."
Miki giggles at the thought of a bunny named Mochi and can't help but feel charmed by Hiro's enthusiasm. They finish picking up their belongings and part ways with a friendly smile, but not before Hiro quickly jots down his phone number on a piece of paper and hands it to Miki.
"Maybe we can talk more about bunnies sometime?" he says with a wink, making Miki blush even harder. As they walk away from each other, they can't help but feel excited at the prospect of a potential new friendship.
At first, Miki's introverted nature held her back from sharing her number with someone she had never even interacted with before. But as time went on and they spent more time together in class, a sense of closeness began to develop between them. Before long, they were chatting away on the phone and discovering all sorts of things about each other, forming a bond that went beyond what either of them had expected.
As their relationship deepens, Hiro realizes that he has fallen deeply in love with Miki. He can't help but feel nervous every time he thinks about confessing his feelings to her. He decides to take her out on a special date to express his love for her.
As they sit down to eat, Hiro's heart is racing, and he can barely speak. Finally, he takes a deep breath and musters up the courage to tell Miki how he feels. "Miki, I know this might be sudden, but I've been thinking about you a lot lately, and I've come to realize that I'm in love with you."
Miki's eyes widen in surprise, and she becomes lost for words. She can feel her cheeks turning red, and her heart is beating rapidly in her chest. She knows she has feelings for Hiro too, but she's too embarrassed to admit it.
Hiro misinterprets Miki's silence and takes it as a rejection. He starts to fumble over his words and becomes increasingly flustered. "I'm sorry, Miki. I shouldn't have said anything. I don't want to ruin our friendship. Please forget I said anything."
Miki realizes that Hiro has misunderstood her and quickly reaches out to hold his hand. "No, Hiro. I'm not rejecting you. I just didn't expect you to confess your feelings so soon, and I'm not good with words. But I feel the same way about you. I'm in love with you too."
Hiro's face lights up with relief and happiness. He pulls Miki into a tight embrace, and they share a sweet and innocent moment. As they pull away, they both laugh at how embarrassing the situation was, but they're glad they were able to confess their love to each other.
From that moment on, their relationship blossoms into something more, filled with sweet and happy moments, and they're grateful they were able to overcome their hesitation and confess their feelings to each other.